The Parable of the Lost Son (Luke 15:11-24)
We all know about the story of the prodigal son, the lost son.
There are at least three characters in the parable, i.e. the Father, the Older Son and the Younger Son. The younger son asked the father to give him the estate, even before the father dies. In old days, the estate will only be divided or given when the father passed away. The act of the younger son was somehow crude and not showing respect to his father.
Somehow, the father granted permission to the requests of the younger son. And the son spent everything he was given, and the life went miserable in the foreign land.
I like verse 17, which says "When he came to his senses", which simply means he began to realize his mistakes and wrongful doings. And follow by verse 20, he made his action to return to his father.
When he returned home, he begged his father for forgiveness. The father, instead of questioning him, he ran towards his son, threw arms around him and kissed him (V20); and ordered the servant to bring the best robe and put it on the younger son, put a ring on his finger and sandals on his feet, killed the fattened calf for feast of celebration. The father was so happy for the returning of his lost son. He was lost but now he is found; he was dead but is alive again.
The passage reminds me about my relationship with God. I was lost, in the miserable world, but God has never given up any chance to bring me back to Him. The whole heaven rejoices when a lost son returns to his father!